Inspiring People to Use Their Gifts for Global Impact

Archive for July, 2013

Stealing the Pen


Stealing the Pen

  “I am the author and finisher of your faith” God says.

“I knit you together in your mother’s womb” He says.

“All of your days were written in My book before a single one came to pass” He told me.

Why do we try telling versions of our own story instead of trusting the Author? Does He not know the best way to write the book? Is He not the most prolific writer to ever exist? Is He not the most eloquent, most skilled and most brilliant Penman in the universe?

Oftentimes, I find myself sitting down after a long day of frustrating circumstances, only to ask God why life isn’t working out the way I envisioned it. I ask Him why I feel like the hamster running the wheel. I ask Him why my attempts to get things to fall into place end up creating a bigger mess than what I had before.

After I finally finish rambling and quiet myself enough to let Him have his turn in the conversation (He’s always gracious enough to let me finish my ramblings first!), this is what I hear:

“Why do you insist on stealing the pen?”

“Don’t you trust me? Do you think I don’t have your best interest at heart … always?? Do you believe that as your Father I would want nothing less than the very best for you?”

“If you would allow Me to write your story, you would find out that giving Me permission to be your author allows you to be washed in a peace that surpasses all understanding. It’s easier Jeanna. It’s more pleasant, more fulfilling, more glorious than you could ever imagine! “ 

“Let me be your author. Let me have the pen.”

“Trust Me. Your story will turn out to be more beautiful than any fairy tale you have ever read. As I’ve told you before, it isn’t going to be free of struggles and strife, frustrations and failures, but believe when I tell you that it is going to be a story worth reading.”  

As I hear God speak to me, I know He’s right … as always!!  So, today I will ask for His help in prying my fingers from the pen.

However, letting go equals vulnerability. It means letting go of my tendency to be a control freak. Although, one thing I know for sure is that His story is better than mine any day. He’s better at this whole “authoring” thing than I am.

So, my question for you today is, will you give God the pen? Will you trust Him enough to let Him do what He does best?

Those who read your story will be glad you did.  And most of all, you will be, too!

~ Jeanna


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